Is It Possible to Overconsume Sustainably Made Clothing?

Purchasing sustainable and ethically made clothing is a great way to build a conscious closet, but is it possible to overconsume, even when the products themselves are created with ecological integrity? Americans are buying more and more clothing each year, with Americans today buying … more

How to Develop Your Personal Style in a World of Influencers and Microtrends

Influencers, microtrends and fast fashion have a huge impact on how we shop for clothing. Here’s how to develop your personal style without trends and the influence of social media.

Is H&M Actually Sustainable or Are They Greenwashing?

H&M has been very vocal about their sustainability efforts, but is the brand actually eco-friendly? Boasting over 38 million followers on Instagram and more than $22 billion USD in sales last year, H&M has made quite a name for themselves. Chances are you have … more

Which Brands Are Fast Fashion? We Break It Down

Typically when we think of fast fashion, H&M, ZARA, Forever 21, Primark and Topshop are usually top of mind. But there are a lot of other brands that can’t be as clearly identified as fast fashion. We looked into some popular brands and make … more

Even Worse than Fast Fashion, Meet Ultra-Fast Fashion

By now you’re probably well aware (and hopefully wary) of the concept of fast fashion. You’ve no doubt conjured up thoughts of mega retailers like Zara, H&M, Forever 21, and even family-focused chains like Old Navy and The Children’s Place. But quickly overtaking these … more

Why Fast Fashion Brands Steal Designs & What You Can Do

The recent Amazon series LuLaRich documents the rise and fall of the infamous multilevel marketing company LuLaRoe, which was known for its quirky, colorful printed leggings that “felt like butter” and had a cult-like following. One of the interviews is with a former designer … more

Seasonless Fashion is the Sustainable Future

Fashion has always had seasons. Initially brands just created 2 collections — for spring/summer and fall/winter — then it turned into 4 seasonal collections, then multiple deliveries throughout the season, and now with fast fashion new collections are on the floor every week. The … more

I added up how much I spent on Ethical Fashion this year

The number one response I get when talking about ethical/sustainable fashion is that it’s too expensive. I get it, the price tags are a lot higher when you compare them to fast fashion, but a big part of shopping consciously is also buying less. … more

Foundation of a Sustainable Wardrobe

  The 4 areas I consider to be the basics of building a sustainable wardrobe are:   Wear – make sure you’ll actually wear and get a lot of use out of your clothes. When buying something new, commit to at least #30Wears and … more

Can’t wear the same outfit twice

I was inspired by this image on Instagram by Project Stopshop to talk about the disposable nature of fast fashion. Unfortunately, the idea of not wearing the same outfit twice is too real and can be found all over social media. The fast fashion business … more