Eco & Organic Weighted Blankets for Adults & Kids

Who wants to sleep under a pile of plastic? Luckily more brands have been addressing this issue and offering sustainable and plastic-free weighted blanket options. So we’ve collect our top picks of natural and organic weighted blanket brands.

Where to Find Sustainable & Organic Sheets/Bedding

Looking for new bedding? Sustainable fabrics are not only better for the environment, but natural and eco friendly sheets are also more breathable, absorbent, and comfortable – so better for your sleep too! Here’s a guide to help you first decide what material might … more

Why You Should Join a Buy Nothing Group (or How to Start One)!

Have you heard of Freecycle/Buy Nothing groups? They are an amazing way to get things you need (for free!) and easily pass on items you no longer need to people who can use them. It’s incredibly sustainable and budget friendly and I love that … more

Sustainable, 2hand, & Minimal Nature-Themed Nursery

Before moving into and getting our new house ready (you can watch both the process and final house tour) I got the most questions and interest in what we’re doing with the nursery and what kinds of cooking/dining stuff we have so I’ll be … more

How to Affordably Furnished your Whole House – all Secondhand

I recently posted a video showing the process of moving into our new house and trying to furnish and decorate it as sustainably as we could. One way we did this was getting as much as possible secondhand, and overall we were very successful! … more